Sunday, June 27, 2010


From Dusk to Dawn

As well all lust and fall

The Pilates conscious of his call

and the killing of us all

But we stall in knowing

That we fall tall

Of all the lucid fornication

No need for hesitation

Decimation of this nation

It's enough for our generation

Theres no merit for good

So the Doctors losing patients

So the patients are to blame

Though the searing and the flame

The games no longer a game

It's the wrecking of a train

I reckon I'm too late

It's hectic but its fate

For all the world to see

Resurrect on Easter Day

But we drive ourselves insane

Lacking knowledge when to save

To know that we've been saved

But counting seconds till the day

Drive slow…

But slowly go faster

The mans on hold

Cuz he knows what happens after

Life's clammily disaster

In this life of a cancer

If the question is the answer

Then please tell the asker


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Hello There

I know its been a while but what better time to write a blog than four in the morning.

Some stuff thats been going on lately...
1) Whats most on my mind... Working on MixTape
- You basically take a good amount of instrumentals and you rap over them making our own songs and eventually making your own mix tape.
2) Another thing is... JAPAN! Mission training!
- Its tough but I surprise myself in how much I enjoy it. (VIDEO BELOW)
3) I've been pretty movie junkieish... lots and lots of movies. Maybe I'll post some stuff about it.
- I am about to watch Sympathy for Lady Vengeance... lols

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


So much to do

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Drugged Up On Music...

Whether it would be Rap... Rock... Pop... Classical... Electronica... I've been listening to it the past few weeks. Might be because of the stress of finals or maybe I've just decided to love music even more. Just finished listening to BEG discography that I received as a gift and besides some of the poppy things that I've already heard I was quite impressed. Singing skills obviously incredible but some of the things that the actual members of the group wrote differ in the way it is sung from the ones that the company provide. Still both sound good. Also just finished listening to Gorillaz discography... Now if you really can appreciate this type of music I highly recommend the Gorillaz. Its just so impressive how musically talented these people are. Their music really gets your mind to think... its very much towards the art side of music where they do not consider a genre but they just decide to throw at you their emotions while making it sound good. There is a lot more that I have listened to but I will not discuss. If you have any suggestions... Please feed into my music junkieness right now.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


A good amount though...