Thursday, May 19, 2011

Whats it? Blog...

So my life was a little depressing when I found out that during tablo's speech at stanford he stated that he would no longer be making music. I was happy when I found out he only said so because he felt that there was something missing when he tried the creative process. He said "wouldn't you think I would eventually come back to it?"

Yes I do.

But I'm pretty nervous for my own life. I have this thing coming up in two days and I don't even know why I am but I'm living with no regrets right? I mean this shouldn't even be a big deal. It's not really something that is looked upon well. Some might say "sellout" or "mainstream faggot" but honestly who cares? Is this even blog worthy? hahahaha like anyone reads it.

But I like that no one reads my blogs. And if you do, don't say in the comments that you do. It loses beauty.

My favorite song on Goblin is... Goblin