Monday, February 21, 2011

New Dedication

I will write everyday in the morning for ten minutes... I will become great...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Rich

F: The rich are different from you and me.
H: Yes they just have more money than us.

Are they aliens or the same?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I wonder where one would acquire such a thing...

Sunday, February 13, 2011

my heart hurts...

It's the same kind of feeling you get if you swallow some candy and it gets stuck in your throat... but just in your chest. I just feel like if I can drink some water or just try to get it down to my stomach I can feel so much more comfortable. Even though I want tell myself that this terrible feeling will soon dissolve a part of me believes that maybe it never will. Could it be that I may be in this condition for the rest of my life? Maybe I will forever live my life in this state of constant choking and suffering. A simple task such as breathing will be the mark of my life. I will never be able to return to a better state of life. It's all down hill from now... Oh... it went away...

How pitiful it is to be so negative and to believe so strongly on one side of life. Nothing is ever single sided. It is narrow minded of you to think in such a way. You have not lived life.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Sad Endings

I realize that there are not many sad endings to movies or books. I mean there may be emotional ones but I don't think we can consider them a tragedy. There is always a victory in some way shape or form. You might say that our good friend Yogi's life had a tragic ending but of course there is the 5000 that he gives to boo boo. It's always about looking at the twisted bright side of things.